Monday, February 9, 2009

2009 Schedule, Goals, and Reflections

Happy New Year!!! Last night was fun, well sorta. I really suck at pool, so I should probably play more. It's been atleast several years since my ETBU days since I've played pool. I played 7 pool games and my record was 2-5. I only won because the other person hit the black or white ball in early. There was also a fireworks show I shot on video that I'll have to post later on.

It's time to get the schedule ready for 2009. Here is what I got.

January 10: Parke Way Fitness Resolution 5K run- Longview, Tx
February 28: Radio Shack Cowtown 10K- Fort Worth, Tx
March 14: Cheetah 5k- Longview, Tx
April 3-5: Lone Star Quarter Iron Triathlon- Galveston, Tx
April 25: Band-Aid Run - Mabank, Tx
May 9: Komen 5k Race for the Cure- Tyler, Tx
May 25: Cap Tex Triathlon- Austin, Tx
June 28: Buffalo Springs Lake 70.3 Half Iron Man- Lubbock, Tx
July: OFF

(Races are subject to change)

The running races are a little harder to plan since a lot of race directors especially the running ones don't plan too far in advance.
This is going to be fun but demanding year as far as racing is concerned. The big race of course is Buffalo Springs Lake Triathlon (BSLT 70.3). Which I hope to qualify for the 70.3 World Championships in Clearwater, Florida in November by placing atleast third in my age group (25-29 year old guys).

My swimming as improved dramatically recently thanks to Brent Poulsen, Chauncey Deller, and Steve Farris with the underwater video shots. I've changed my stroke techinque and I've been doing this theraband exercise for swimming that Chauncey taught me how to do 3x a week. The other day doing 10x50's at the end of my swim workout I was swimming 3-5 seconds faster than I did with Brent and I wasn't about to do die, so that's good thing which could translate to a lower heart rate getting on the bike which will then aid in a faster a bike split.

I've just found recenlty found out that I finished 3rd Overall in the 20-24 age group in the USAT South Mid West region ranking system. The USAT SMW conference is at the end of January in Austin. Not sure if I'm going or not yet it also contains a duathlon.

Everything is going good. I've been feeling strong on the bike and improving on the swim, and especially strong with my running (without intensity) lately.

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