This is another great story of an effort by Gene Meyers who lives around Cedar Creek Lake who coordinated a 70.3 event, a midway training point of his quest for the iron distance triathlon at Redman in Oklahoma later in September. He invited friends out to help him complete it. They could either could do some, all, or just parts of it. We were blessed with great starting temps for the morning. I just did the bike ride for 3.75 hours with my 62 year old buddy Jim McCan from Athens. We took turns pulling each other for 2.75 hours or so then I did the last hour with a good effort by myself. There were about 9 particpants total who did all, some, or just parts of the s/b/r 70.3 distance. Gene also had a few volunteers on hand which were a great help as the weather got hotter to pass out water, powerade, and gels...
and let me not to forget to mention a great cook we had on hand who cooked some great hamburger patties and links on the grill. Gene finished in just under 8.5 hours a bit shy of his goal due to some cramps but he got through it with smiles on in the end.
sounds like a good time :)